Illustrations of English words
derived from the Greek in the New Testament.

By Gaylon West.

Definition of English "theos":

a combining form meaning “god,” used in the formation of compound words: e.g., theocrat.
theosophy (n.)
from Greek theosophos" one wise about God," from theos "god" +sophia "skill, knowledge of, acquaintance with; philosophy," from sophos "wise, learned.” cf. "Theosophical Society"
word-forming element meaning "belief (of a specified kind) in God, a god, or gods," from Greek theos"god"
monotheism (n.)
"belief that there is but one god," 1650s, from Greek monos"single, alone" +theos"a god"
fem. proper name, from Greek thea "goddess," fem.
masc. proper name, "dear to God; loved by the gods," from theos"god" + philos"loved, beloved"
theogony (n.)
1610s, "the account of the birth or genealogy of the gods," from Greek theogonia "generation or genealogy of the gods," from theos"a god" +-gonia"a begetting," from gonos"birth"
theist (n.)
1660s, from Greek theos"god" + Greek agent-noun ending -istes
atheous (adj.)
1610s, "godless, impious," from Greek atheos, from a-"not, without" +theos"god"
polytheism (n.)
from Greek polytheia from polys "many" +theos "god"
theocrat (n.)
1827, "a ruler in the name of God," from Greek theos "god" +-crat, from aristocrat, etc. From 1843 as "one who favors a system of theocracy.
theophany (n.)
"an appearance of God to man," 1630s, from Greek theos "god" +phainein "bring to light, cause to appear, show".
masc. proper name, from Greek Timotheos, literally "honoring God," from time"honor, respect" +theos"god" .
word-forming element meaning "god, gods, God," from Greek theos "god "
fem. proper name, from Greek Theodosia, literally "gift of the gods," from theos"god" + dosis"a giving".
apotheosis (n.)
from Greek apotheosis, from apotheoun "deify, make (someone) a god," from apo, meaning, "change" +theos"god".
masc. proper name, from Greek Theodoros, literally "gift of god," from theos"god" +doron "gift," the fem. form is Theodora.
theocracy (n.)
Greek theokratia (Josephus), literally "the rule of God," from theos"god" +kratos "a rule, regime, strength" (see-cracy).
fem. proper name, from Greek, literally "gift of God," from doron"gift" + fem. Of theos "god" . With the elements reversed, it becomesTheodora.
enthusiasm (n.)
from Greek enthousiasmos "divine inspiration, enthusiasm (produced by certain kinds of music, etc.)," from enthousiazein "be inspired or possessed by a god, be rapt, be in ecstasy," from entheos "divinely inspired, possessed by a god," from en "in" +theos "god" .
theology (n.)
"the science of religion, study of God and his relationship to humanity," from Greek theologia "an account of the gods," from theologos "one discoursing on the gods," from theos "god" +-logos "treating of"
atheist (n.) atheism (n.)
from Greek atheos "without god, denying the gods; abandoned of the gods; godless, ungodly," from a-"without" +theos "a god" .
pantheon (n.)
from pantheion, neuter of pantheios, from pan-"all" +theios "of or for the gods," from theos "god"
pantheism (n.)
from Greek pan-"all" +theos "god".
"philosophy founded on the notion that all things are in God" (1874)
- etymonline.com

theos; god. theos,  G2316, θεός illustrated.
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